
"Temptation" - The Greek word "scandalon" literally means "a peg holding up a trap door.             "Temptation" figuratively means anything that creates obstacles to man's spiritual and moral path of perfection; anything that can lead him away from the path of realizing true Faith and obedience to God. It is everything that contributes to the deprivation of spiritual freedom, everything that can serve to the beginning of his moral fall, to be a reason to commit sin; everything that can plunge him into "bonds", "captivate" him by sin - the violation of the laws, commandments, given by God for the righteous life of man.                          "Seduction" is also sinful, morally and spiritually vicious thoughts, intentions of man, as well as external circumstances that "seduce," provoke, excite his instincts, desires of his flesh, contrary to the Will of God, His Commandments.                                                                                                              This is everything that contributes to the moral and moral corruption of the body, soul and spirit, the spiritual fall of man, everything that is capable of destroying his pious, righteous life.