
"Sorrow" - Greek "thlipsis" - "crowdedness", "oppression" - the highest degree of regret, sorrow.

"Sorrow" is a symbol of the oppressed state of righteous people, persecuted, persecuted for their godly lives, for denouncing, exposing the sinful deeds of false religious, cruel political rulers and the nations obedient to them.

"Sorrow" is the state of regret of the righteous, seeing the suffering of nations perishing in sin, experiencing the punishments of the consequences of their rejections, violations of God's Will, His Commandments.

"Sorrow" is also a symbol of the onset in the peoples of the state of despondency, hopelessness, hopelessness, grief from the lost opportunity to achieve life in righteousness, leading to Eternal Life, disappointment in false teachings, various ideologies, in their founders, rulers, idols.

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