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"Priest " is a person who, through the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Will, His Commandments, separates himself from sin, obtains righteousness, and therefore is inspired, motivated, called by God to teach, to preach to other people the necessity of knowledge and fulfillment of His gracious Will.

"Priest" - (Latin ponifex) means "builder of bridges", i.e. it is the priest who, by preaching the Will of God, must build a figurative "Bridge" between man and God, i.e. by his preaching help man to bring his will into conformity with the Will of God.

Priest Melchizedek is the First Priest (also a symbolic image of a person or a group of people), who has no viciousness, malice, separated from sin, who from the time of Adam preserved the knowledge of God and the true understanding and fulfillment of the Will of God, His Commandments, which he passed on to subsequent generations.

The image of Melchizedek also presents the image of Jesus Christ as Priest.

"Priest" is a symbol of Jesus Christ, Who by His holy life and Teaching of the Will of God sanctifies man, indicates the Way to moral and spiritual holiness, to separation from unrighteousness and from committing sin.

Negative Meaning.

"Priest" is a person who pretends, for the sake of his material and other self-interest, proclaims a perverted perception of the Word of the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets, the Teachings of Christ, spreads his delusions, false teachings about the Will of God.

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