
"Watchman" is a symbol of the Word of God's Will, the knowledge and fulfillment of which warns man of the danger of committing sin, and so guards him from various delusions, from trouble.

 "Watchman" is the symbol of the Righteous, who throughout history have warned nations of the various dangers of rejection, violation, distortion of the Will of God, His Commandments, preserve, preserve them from perversion by false interpretations, false doctrines.

Negative Meaning.

"Watchman" is a symbol of false religious leaders who reject, distort God's Commandments.   As a consequence, they are spiritually blind, deaf, and dumb and therefore unable to see and warn the nations of danger, unable to guard the true morality and spirituality of the nations, to guard against distortions of the words of the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles.

Новость отредактировал: словарь - 30-05-2022, 16:31