
"Humility" is the recognition of one's limited possibilities and abilities, the recognition of one's inability to acquire true Wisdom for a blessed, righteous life through one's own efforts, knowledge, experience alone; the recognition of the impossibility of changing circumstances negative to the spirit, soul and body, the external influence of sinfully living people.

       It is the curbing of one's sinful pretensions of the flesh, the submission of one's sinful outlook and life to the fulfillment of God's Will and His Commandments.

Humility is the exercise of taming one's ambition, taming the rebelliousness of the human spirit and flesh against the Will of God.

       Based on the information from "Wikipedia" secular definition of the word "Humility," as well as according to the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets and Christ's Teaching on the Will of God, this concept can be expressed by the following definitions:

      Christian, true humility is man's awareness of the truth, power, inclusiveness, eternity, greatness of the Wisdom of God's Will by its acceptance and submission to God by its fulfillment, and the mental, emotional state of peace, peacefulness achieved by it. 

       Humility is the desire for peace, harmony, unity, fusion of the human spirit, soul and body, the pacification of his soul and fleshly passions and their submission to the service of God's Commandments.

        True humility is peculiar to righteous living people, and depends on the truth of religious convictions.

      Humility (as well as reflection and prayer) is one of the ways of using the resource of one's psyche and mind to achieve righteous goals, to fulfill the Commandments established by God.

       Humility is a moral state of a person determined by his attitude to the Commandments of God and expressed in the ability of calm, balanced, reasonable reaction to negative factors, in the ability to recognize, accept and righteously treat all circumstances as a natural consequence, according to the Laws established by God.

       True humility refers to the moral qualities of the Christian and is expressed in the awareness and acceptance as inevitable of all that is predestined by God, by His Laws.

          Humility, or the ability to humble oneself, is a protective reaction of a person in the face of insurmountable external conditions and is one of the necessary qualities of a person who obeys the Commandments of God and follows the Teachings of Christ and the Apostles.         

The word "humility" is a component of the word "meekness.

   Humility can be attained by a person both in relation to himself or herself and in relation to others.

    Humility is one of the moral, spiritual characteristics of man, which is expressed in the manifestation of his attitude toward the world around him.

    Depending on the circumstances, humility of a particular person may be seen by others as a positive reaction to the surrounding reality, and as a negative one.

False humility is an unconscious, passive, unconcerned state of will and spirit of a person who commits iniquity, his unconsidered, unreasonable refusal to change himself and the circumstances around him. It is the rejection of the actions suggested by God's commandments, the acquiescence to circumstances which, according to God's call, are to be eliminated, to be changed.

Pretend humility is a deliberate, cunning, self-serving religious pretense, dictated for one's own benefit, to create an impression of a decent appearance, achieved for the purpose of gaining the necessary reputation in a certain environment of others.