"Rephaim" - translated "giant," "giant."
"Rephaim" - Synodal translation - "dead men", "dead", "spirits of the dead", "wicked", "tyrants", "giants".
"Rephaim" - "spirits of the dead" - is the pernicious spirit of various spiritually dead religious dogmas, violent political ideologies, and also their founders, spokesmen, influential leaders of the sinful world.
"Rephaim" symbolize the cruel political, false religious and other influential leaders of the nations, all "Kings", rulers of the pagan, sinful, spiritually lifeless system of their lives.
"Rephaim" are the wicked founders of militant pernicious ideologies, which they elevated the peoples to an image of worship, inculcated into their way of life, and relying on force, on the violence of the state, cunningly induced the peoples to follow only materialistic interests.
"Rephaim", "Giants", "Giant", "Giant" - this is a symbol of great materialists, dodgy, cunning representatives of predatory power, founders of pagan militant ideologies of materialism, which seductively, cunningly influence the human mind unprotected by the Truth of the Word of God.
listic interests.