
"Mind" of God is the Will of God - His Laws, Covenants, Statutes, Decrees, Promises, Laws of the visible and invisible, material and spiritual Being of the world, according to which everything that exists was created.

"Mind" of God is also His Commandments, by knowing and practicing which man feels, realizes the Wisdom of God as expressed by the Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ and His Apostles and attains a godly way of life in righteousness. 

 "Mind" of man is the God-given to man sound reasoning, intelligence, mind, mental, thinking ability, intellect, ability to think, to perceive events correctly, to realize himself, to comprehend the meaning of human life and activity, to comprehend the purpose of the world around him.  

The human mind is able to comprehend penetrate into the essence of things and processes; the human mind is able to receive, memorize, accumulate and extract the necessary information.