
"Parable" from the Greek "parabole" meaning "comparison," "likeness," "type," "image," extended metaphor.

"Parable" is a comparison, an illustration of the spiritual, symbolic meaning, the meaning of Biblical Truths exemplified in an ordinary, everyday literal narrative.

"Parable" is an image, a tale clothed in a particularly enigmatic form, outwardly similar to the actual description.        

"Parable" is an example from life - a universal method of revealing to the people the Predestination of God, revealing His Will, the meaning, the significance of which is hidden by metaphor, allegory, conveyed allegorically, intricately.

"Parable" of the Gospel is a short story, conveying a certain spiritual Truth by means of lively, lucid comparison, comparison with what is well known to people from everyday life.

"Parable-implication" is often an outwardly imperceptible transition from the description of real events to spiritual, symbolic events.

"Parables-explanations", perceived in their purely literal meaning, cause belittlement, perversion of the meaning of the Holy Scriptures and turning people to various fictions and religious "Fables", fantasies.