
A "seal" is a mark, a designation, a major distinguishing feature, a particularly characteristic distinction, an essential feature.

"Seal" is also a symbol of secrecy, immutability, lawfulness, inviolability, that which is capable of preventing access, that which does not give the right to penetrate, to open.

"Seal" and "seal" - These words are used in the Bible with the following meanings:

A) "The Father, God, put His seal" (John 6:27) on Jesus Christ, i.e., the whole life of this Man was marked by the evidence of the display in Him of the spiritual attributes of God the Father.

      God "seals", hides certain Revelations of His Will, i.e. forbids to make them known to people until a certain time.

     What was "sealed", unknown at the beginning of the history of man's spiritual development and formation, can be revealed (explained) and fulfilled by the "Lamb of God" - Jesus Christ through His Teaching and holy way of life.  


B) As a "Seal" Paul's apostolic ministry is authenticated by the fruits of his spiritually ascetic labor.

C) As the "Seal" of a new, righteous life through the knowledge and faith of God, Abraham received the "Mark" of the spiritual and figurative "circumcision" of his sinful demands of the flesh, the change of his pagan life.

D) Sealed, i.e., certified to every man by the fulfillment of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ that God's Will is gracious and true.