
"Preaching" is synonymous with "to persuade," "to incline to one's side," or "to change the minds of others by reasoned argument."

"Preaching" is "Witnessing," evangelizing, proclaiming, explaining by the Righteous by all available methods, in all situations of life, in all places, the Truth of God's Will, His Commandments, the sayings of the Prophets, the Teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles.

 "Preaching" is the proclamation of the Good News of the Commandments of righteous living by Patriarchs, Prophets, Jesus Christ, Apostles, all the Righteous, whom God by the Word of His Covenants, Promises has prompted to action, "attracted" to Himself as His Messengers.

"Preach" is the Greek word "kerisoo," translated "to be a messenger," "one who announces."

"To preach" means to proclaim, to show by the example of one's pious life the gracious influence, the rightness of the Word of God's Will, to persuade others to accept and realize God's Will, His Commandments.  

"Preach" means to be a herald, a messenger, a messenger of God, to be His "mouth", a representative, an exponent of His Will, to exhort, to warn against its violation.