
"Ordinances" of God are the eternal and perfect Will of God revealed to the nations in His Laws, Covenants, Commandments, firmly established by God for their fulfillment by the people, regulating their moral and spiritual life, man's relationship with God in achieving a righteous, gracious life.

Negative Meaning.

"The "decrees" of man are the creation by him of various laws, interpretations to determine the moral, moral, spiritless state, way of life of man, according to the subjective judgment of man and society, not based on the Spirit of the Holy Scriptures, but which is based only on his sinful experience, on political and religious dogmas, which is subject to constant change in relation to historical time and circumstances.

"Decrees" of man are also erroneous interpretations and representations of the Law of God by representatives of various religious, Christian denominations, based on their doctrines, who substitute the essence and Spirit of God's Word with a purely literal perception of it, their various fabrications.