
"Father" is the Lord, Jehovah God, the One Who, by His authority as Creator, brings to life that which did not exist before, gives the beginning of Life, the beginning of the origin, formation to all that exists.       

"Father" is the Creator, the Maker, Who by the revelation of His Will, the Laws, Commandments established by Him, so "gives birth", creates, morally educates according to His spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" His spiritual "Son" - the true Man 

"Spiritual Fathers" are "Patriarchs", Prophets, founders of the recognition and honoring of the Dominant Initiation of the Will of God in the consciousness and way of life of the peoples, spiritual mentors of subsequent generations of all peoples.

"Father" is also a man - a righteous man, who by proclaiming the Will of God, by the example of a righteous life is able to spiritually "give birth", educate, revive in man a "New Man" - a man with a new worldview and a new, righteous way of life.

Negative Meaning
"Father of Lies" is a characteristic of a person who has a false worldview, leading a vicious lifestyle, acting contrary to the Will of God, following destructive ideologies, false religious and other beliefs, and who with his sinful worldview and lifestyle seduces, entices, inclines his followers to commit sin, so "multiplying" them.   
"Father" "Diabolus" is a symbol of a person who opposes, contradicts, opposes, actively opposes the Will of God, blasphemes, "slanders" the Truth of God's Word, "incites" resistance to God's Covenants, denies, distorts the Laws, Commandments established by God, and seduces others to oppose God's Will, to commit iniquity.