
"Eagle" is a symbol of the Spirit of Truth of the Will of God, His Commandments, it is also a symbol of strength, power, speed of action, spiritual elevation of the Divine Laws of Life.

"Big Eagle" is a symbol of Jesus Christ, Who by the speed of spreading His Teachings about the Will of God penetrates into the consciousness and way of life of many peoples.

"Eagles" is a collective, allegorical image of all the Righteous, who by proclaiming the Truth of the Word of God's Will throughout history expose, destroy the spiritually dead state of man.

Negative Meaning.

"Eagle" is a symbol of man arrogant, proud, self-righteous in his sinful views, self-righteous in the correctness of his predatory, warlike, aggressive way of life shown to everything that the righteous accomplish in their lives.  

"Eagle" is a symbol of political, religious and other leaders, rulers, nations.

"Eagle" symbolizes in the Bible also pagan states and nations, which are characterized by the ability to quickly attack and sharp, far-sighted policy in search of material gain and prey (capture).