Image of God

The "Image" of God - The "Image" of God is His Laws manifested in the universe, His Word expressed in His Commandments, His Covenants, His Promises revealed to the nations.

The "Image" of God is His Will, its fulfillment in righteous life and reflected in Holy Scripture, revealed to the peoples by His Messengers - Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ, Apostles, Righteous Men.

 The spiritual "Image" of God was attained by Jesus Christ by His holy way of life, by the perfect incarnation of the Will of God and by the attainment of the Manifestations inherent in God, which Jesus Christ revealed to the nations by His Teaching.

 The "image" of the perfect Man is the Man ("Adam") living in primordial holiness, in whom all the perfections of God's Creation are embodied, in whom the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of his Creator are displayed.

 It is also the image of Jesus Christ, who, by true knowledge and perfect incarnation in His holy life, so manifested the spiritual image of the True Man.

Negative Meaning:

 "The Image" of the "Beast," is the image of sinfully living man who does not reflect God's Design for the creation of Man, but who, contrary to God's Commandments, is guided by the purely beastly, creaturely instincts and sinful demands of the flesh.