Unholy. Unclean. Wickedness.

"Wicked" is a moral characteristic of a man who is godless, a God-hater, who deliberately rejects, violates, perverts the Will of God, His Commandments, the Teachings of the Prophets, Christ and His Apostles. 

"Wicked" is a person without honor, due to rejection, violation of the Will of God, who has lost his dignity, his vocation to be a Man, whose way of thinking and way of life is "polluted", stained with sin.

An ungodly person is the opposite of a righteous, godly person.

"Wickedness" is the corrupt moral and spiritual state of a person who rejects, violates, distorts God's Commandments, and who therefore has no moral, ethical, spiritual purity.

"Wickedness" is a concept, a definition, opposite to godliness, holiness, man's separation from sin.