
"Abomination" is an image of various perversions of the Will of God as expressed in the Teachings of Jesus Christ, all that is contrary to the Wisdom of God's Commandments, His Laws of true life.

"The Abomination of Desolation" is the perversion, the violation of God's Will by many of the leaders of the so-called. Christian religions, their spokesmen and adherents, who disregard the guidance of His Laws, who by false understanding of the Word of God's Will, His Covenants spread false doctrines, dogmas among their followers, leading them to spiritual desolation, decay, decay, godlessness, idolatry, lawlessness - to the spiritual desolation of the various "Churches", beliefs of the peoples of the pseudo-Christian world.

"Abomination of Desolation" is also the thoughts and immoral deeds of man, spiritually polluting with iniquity his spirit (worldview), soul (practical life of man) and body (destroying his physical life). 

"Abomination" to the wicked, to the lawless one, is a righteous person "walking in the straight way," i.e., his righteous way of life, conforming to God's Commandments. 

"Abomination" to the wicked is the rebuke of the righteous, exposing his morally and spiritually wicked way of life, revealing to him all that contradicts, hinders his sinful way of life.