
"Mary" is from the Greek "rum," "to be exalted, high," also "exaltation," "exalted," "exalted," "exalted," "glorious," "marvelous star. 

"Mary" is the "Virgin", the Community of true doers of the Will of God, whose characteristic is spiritual "exaltation", "exaltation" and "glory", because they have always been those "Wonderful Stars" enlightening the nations with the Light of God's Word, shining the Good News of Truth in the darkness of the sin of the nations around them.

"Mary" is also a symbol of the spiritually "virgin", morally and spiritually pure figurative "Assembly" of the Righteous who have not entered into unholy union with the world of sin.

"Mary" - translated also as "bitterness", "sorrow". "the one who weeps", "sheds tears", which indicates that "Mary", "Wife", i.e. the Assembly of the Righteous, was in sorrow because of the rejection by the religious leaders and the people of Israel of the Teachings of Jesus Christ and His physical murder, because of the perversion by the false teachers of the people of the spiritual meaning of the Words of the Holy Scriptures, which led to the rejection by the people of the Divine Covenants, Commandments.