
"Darkness" is a symbol of mystery, hiddenness, obscurity, incomprehensibility for man of all the Designs, Intentions of God, the fullness of His Will expressed in His Laws, Commandments.

"Darkness" is also a symbol of the depth of the ages, extremely remote time, shrouded in obscurity.

Negative Meaning.

"Darkness" is the absence of spiritualization, a symbol of spiritual-image "Darkness", spiritual uneducation, moral "Darkness", ignorance of man, i.e. the image of his wicked life, occurring without the guidance of God's Commandments.

"Darkness" is the absence in man's mind of the true "Light" of knowledge of the Will of God and the ability to discern between Good and Evil, Truth and falsehood.

"Darkness" is also a spiritless state, a characteristic of a godless person who does not know the true meaning and purpose of his life.