Wise Man

"Wise man" is a person who lives according to his conscience, who knows and obeys the Will of God, His Commandments, who uses his experience of the Scriptures of the Prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles to enlighten the nations with the Word of God.  

"Wise man" is also a characteristic of a person who is able to discern between Good and Evil, Truth and falsehood, who has knowledge of the Word of God, the Wisdom of His Covenants, in order to evade the temptations of the sinful impulses of the flesh.

Negative Meaning.

"The Wise Man" is a symbol of "The Devil", "Satan", i.e. a person who uses the acquired experience and various knowledge for evil - to create false teachings that oppose the Truth of God's Will, to create destructive ideologies that plunge peoples into the commission of iniquity, leading them to the trials of punishment by the consequences of the sins committed.

"Sage" is also a person who uses all his knowledge in a variety of skillful ways to satisfy his pride, to gain fame, wealth, to justify his sinful impulses of the flesh and to satisfy his sinful needs.