
"The Peace of God" is the Will of God revealed to man, His Commandments, following which brings man a state of righteousness by reconciling his will with the Will of God, with his conscience, with the surrounding reality, peace of mind, peace of mind.

"Peace" is a symbol of spiritual, mental, psychological, inner state of reconciliation of man with God, i.e. agreement with His Commandments by their fulfillment.

"Peace" given to man by God is independent of external circumstances.  

 "Peace" is the conscious tranquility of a fulfilled duty to people and God, a feeling of spiritual satisfaction, a state of spiritual well-being, inner peace, quietness, which is achieved only by the fulfillment of God's Commandments.

Peace (Hebrew shalom ) - in the Bible this word means everything that contributes to the highest good of man (and never means only the absence of material worries and psychological anxieties).

Negative meaning.

"Peace" is an image of sinful nations who violate, pervert the Will of God, His Commandments.

"The World" is also a symbol of the totality of manifestations of the sinful system of governance of the peoples in their religious, political and economic life.

"The world" is the sphere of influence of cruel political, false religious, predatory economic interests of the rulers of the sinfully living people.