
"God is love" - "Love" is the totality of physical and spiritual perfection manifested by God in the universe and to man.

"Love" of God to man is the manifestation to man of His wholesome Laws, which provide him with the greatest possible variety of physical and spiritual benefits: it is the revelation to man of His Commandments, the fulfillment of which by man brings him protection by God's Laws from committing sin, the highest joy of attaining a life of righteousness

"Love of God" is God's granting to man who fulfills God's Commandments, Life beyond body and time - Eternal Life.

"Love" of man for God is the manifestation of the totality of his physical, intellectual and spiritual powers for the realization of unswerving fulfillment of His Will, unswerving obedience to His Covenants, constant adherence to His Commandments for the attainment of righteousness.

Love to God and love to neighbor are two kinds of love, which consist in the fulfillment of God's Commandments.

Love of man for man is a state, a feeling corresponding to the relationship of fellowship and spiritual intimacy between people, based on mutual interest and desire for the true knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments, for the knowledge of the true meaning of the sayings of the Holy Scriptures.   

Negative Meaning.

Love only for oneself, love for the sinful demands of the flesh, love for one's idol, for a false idea of God, love for power, fame, wealth, objects that ensure the satisfaction of one's pride, selfishness.