
"The Summer of the Lord" is a favorable time in man's life given to him by "the Lord", Jehovah God, for the knowledge and fulfillment of His Will, His Commandments.

It is the sum total of spiritual and physical benefits given by God to a person who fulfills His Will, which God manifests in his life in various methods and forms.

"The Summer of the Lord" is also the period of time of proclamation of the Truth of God's Will by the righteous, which began with the time of the proclamation of His Truth by the righteous Abel.

"Summer" is a favorable period, both in the life of an individual and in a certain segment of the history of the human race, for the realization, acceptance and implementation of the Will of God, His Commandments for the testing of the true Good of achieving a life of righteousness.     

"Summer" is the period opposite to the period of "Winter" - the time of life of man, in which it is difficult or already impossible for him to understand and realize the Will of God.