
"Hypocrite" is an insincere person, with feigned virtue, cunningly treating another person with the purpose of deceiving him, misleading him as to his evil, self-serving intentions.

"Hypocrite" is a person who in a Pharisaic way, pretending, not in deed, but only in words, honors God, outwardly, formally realizes the service of His Will, has false religiosity and imaginary spirituality.                        

"Hypocrisy" is a moral quality of a person who for the sake of selfish interests, for base motives and in the name of inhuman goals, commits knowingly unrighteous acts, but attributes to them a pseudo-moral meaning, lofty motives and human-loving goals.

Religious "hypocrisy" is the religious arrogance of the "hypocrite", the Pharisee, skillfully concealed behind the external propriety in relation to other people, to their views and way of life.