
"Baptism" - Greek "baptizo", "baptisima", from "bapto", "to dip", "to lower, "to immerse in water" for the purpose of washing, cleansing by means of water.

"Baptize" in the original Greek is "to immerse," "to bury in water."

"Baptism" is "immersion" in the knowledge of the true "Water" of the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, comprehending the Truth of God's Will and doing it.

"Baptism" is the "immersion of a person in the "Living Water" of the true understanding of the Teachings of the Prophets and Jesus Christ about the Will of God, and the fulfillment of these Teachings, which is the "washing", deliverance from sinful-dead life and "resurrection", revival to righteousness.

The "Baptism" of a person in accordance with the Gospel Doctrine is not a ceremonial immersion in ordinary water. The evidence of a person's true "Baptism" is the fulfillment of God's Commandments.