
"Beauty" is a symbol of the finality, the spiritual perfection of all of God's creations.

"Beauty" is also a symbol of the perfect presentation of the Will of God as conveyed by the Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ and Apostles in the Word of Holy Scripture.

"Beauty" is also a symbol of man's knowledge of the Will of God and his godly, righteous life of the "Church" of God, the Assembly of all the Righteous.

"Beauty" is also a symbol of the perfection, the righteousness of primordial Man, his harmony of flesh and spirit.

Negative Meaning

"Beauty" is the ultimate measure of the attractiveness of false religions, destructive ideologies, false beliefs, pagan traditions, mores, and foundations.

"Beauty" is also pride, man's self-confidence in his own greatness and omnipotence. 

"Beauty" of a sinfully living man is his being filled with various attractive knowledge that is not in accordance with God's Covenants.