
"Stone" is a symbol of the eternal Will of God, His unchanging Covenants, Laws and Commandments, which are the firm, true spiritual basis on which man can create his worldview, realize the meaning of his life.

"Stone" is also a symbol of strength, durability, stability, permanence, spiritual criteria of Truth, Goodness, which his Creator has defined for man.

Negative Meaning.

"Stone" is the "strongholds" of pernicious ideologies, dogmas of man, his "petrified" dogmatism, pharisaic hardened pagan forms, rituals, rites and cults of worship, perverting the Truth of God's Covenants and therefore have an indivisible pernicious influence on the peoples.

"Stone" is the man-made ideologies, dogmas, sinful foundations on which nations build, justify their ungodly lives.

"Stone" is also the basic sinful spiritual, moral and other obstacles, obstacles in the knowledge and realization of the Will of God.