The word "Jehovah" comes from the Hebrew root GVH - i.e., "to become" and means "He gives to become.
"Yahweh" - "Jehovah" - the One who exists.
The word "Jehovah" - translated by William Tyndall - is "He who produces Light." According to Miguel Servetus, - "The Cause of Being," also - "Eternally Remaining," "Eternally Existent," "Ever-Failing," "The Source of Being," and a number of other translations of the word.
The word "Jehovah" combines the three tenses of the Hebrew verb "gaia"-"to be," "to become," "to abide," and in another grammatical form, also "to give life."
"Jehovah" is "the One who was, the One who is, and the One who will be." "He who gave life, He who led to the Cause of Being, He who gives life to the physical and spiritual world," and "He who will eternally sustain Being."
In the original Hebrew text, the definition of God as "Jehovah" is used about 7,000 times. This word has subsequently been replaced by various translators with other words that reflect the characteristics, actions, manifestations, and expressions of God.
The "Name" of God "Jehovah" encapsulates all the spiritual characteristics of God available to human consciousness. The deep spiritual meaning of this "Name," i.e., the Essence of God, His Mind, is in the Revelation of God's Intentions and Designations, reflected in the Prophetic Spirit of all Scripture.
"The Name" of God, "Jehovah," is the totality of the manifestations of all the spiritual perfections of His Essence, revealed, expressed in His eternal spiritual and physical Laws of Life.
Jehovah is Lord, God expresses Himself in His Holy Will, in His Laws, the Commandments, which are absolute, true, eternal, and are the spiritual stronghold, the unchanging foundation for man's life in righteousness.