
 "Jordan" is a symbol of the direction, the flow of the true "Water"-the Teachings of the Prophets concerning the Will of God.

"Jordan", is also a symbol of the spiritual and figurative watershed between false perception of the Will of God and true Faith, between true knowledge and fulfillment of the Will of God and false.

"Jordan" - Heb. "descending," "flowing down," or "river of judgment," "water flowing from the mountains, from the mountain."

These translations reveal the figurative meaning of the word "Jordan" as the "Water" of God's Word "coming down" from the Heavenly Height of God's Wisdom; as the Word producing "Judgment" according to the Truth of God's Laws; as the Wisdom of God "flowing down" from the "Mountain" of the Truth of His Will.     

        The River "Jordan" in Scripture symbolically represents the spiritual flow of the "Water" of the Word of Divine Revelation of Truth, dividing the world into nations who serve the Will of God and Gentiles who reject His Truth.

      (This is one of the rivers of Palestine with which the spiritually imaginative narratives of the Bible are associated. (It is noteworthy that this river has three headwaters, which are at Hermon, the southern tip of the Antiliwan mountain range.)