John "the Baptist"

John means "he who performs the washing" or "the Lord showed mercy" (grace) or "the gift of God.  

John "the Baptist" is one of the prophets who "Baptized" the people, performing their spiritual "Washing", i.e., immersing them in the "Water" of true knowledge of the Teachings of the Prophets about the need to confess their sins and repent of them.

John the Baptist, through his preaching of the Will of God, revealed to the nations the spiritual Gift of God - the Word of God's Covenants.

John the Baptist expressed the Spirit of the Testimony of all the Prophets about the spiritual mission of Christ, and thus he called the people to free themselves from delusion and purify themselves from following false doctrines.

John the Baptist directly, faithfully pointed out, revealed to the nations the Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the spiritual Deliverer of the nations from the commission of sins and their consequences.