
Jezebel is translated "tainted," "promiscuous. 

Jezebel is the daughter of King Ephbaal of Sidon, priest of Astarte, and was godless, hostile to the Will of God.

Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab of Israel (873-852 B.C.), mother of Kings Ohaziah and Joram, as well as the Jewish consort queen Hotholiah.

Jezebel ordered the execution of all Israelite prophets who refused to worship the pagan deity Baal; posing as a prophetess, she misled the people of Israel by seducing them into idolatry.

"Jezebel" symbolizes the aggressive, fanatically devoted to the service of false beliefs of the ruling representatives of spiritually "promiscuous" religions, faiths, their leaders, pastors who call themselves Christians, who variously oppress, persecute the Messengers of God, the Righteous, exposing their pharisaism, religious falsehood, moral and spiritual depravity.

"Jezebel" is a modern image, a characteristic of the religious leaders of many religious communities, who by their false ideas about God, his Will cunningly, attractively impose, implant their false beliefs, dogmas, "Prophecies" about the future into the consciousness of peoples, spread false interpretations of spiritually-image utterances of the Prophets, Christ, the Apostles.