
"The Temple" is the all-historical, spirit-shaped "Church," the "Assembly" of the Saints of the Most High, His Messengers: Melchizedek, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Jesus Christ, the Apostles, all the Righteous, from Abel to the present, who embody in their lives and preach the Truth of God's Will to the nations. By their righteous living and preaching eternal Truths, they preserve in inviolable spiritual purity the fullness of the Revelation of the Will of Jehovah God, and by their holiness they manifest His Glory.

     "Temple" is also a man endowed with reason, will and creative ability, which he uses to embody the one, eternal Covenants of God as expressed in His Commandments in spiritual immutability and purity.

      This is the person in whom "the Spirit of God dwells," who by true reasoning and fulfillment of God's Commandments keeps the sanctuaries of the spiritual Laws of true Life.