
"Gideon" - The son of Joash of Ophrah, tribe of Manasseh, the 7th judge of Israel for 40 years. (See Judges 6:11).

"Gedeon" is a spiritual "Warrior", fighting with the Sword of the Word of Divine Truth against the opponents of the Will of the One God Jehovah, defending the Truth of God's Word, exposing the religious and ideological delusions of the "Sons" of Israel, thus he so destroyed the "Altar of Baal", that is, he crushed, destroyed, annihilated worship of false religious beliefs and dogmas, violent political and other ideologies.

"Gideon" represents the "Army", the Community of the Righteous, using the "Light" of the Word of Truth and the sound of the "Trumpet" of God's Word, who gained spiritual victory over the enemies of the Truth of God's Will, His Commandments.