
"Edom" - translated "red," "hairy," "shaggy.

"Edom" is Esau's nickname, given to him because he sold his birthright for "lentil stew," which is reddish in color, and for the redness of his hair.

"Edom" (Esau) symbolizes a people living in the age of the Patriarch Abraham, who rejected, transgressed the Will of God or recognized it only in words, performed it formally, pharisaically, and therefore a wicked and sinful people, living in lawlessness, with purely materialistic interests.  

The word "Edom" denotes both the descendants of Esau - Edomites, Idumeans, and the name of their land - Idumea, as it was part of the kingdom of Herod the Great, who by descent was Idumean.