
"Smoke" is a symbol of the "Power," the "Glory" of God, i.e., the triumph of God's Will, His Commandments, being realized in the nations.

"Smoke" is a symbol of the true, effective service of the righteous to the Will of God, of their active proclamation of it among the nations.

 "Smoke" is also the visible, tangible, gracious consequence of the implementation of God's established Laws.

Negative Meaning.

"Smoke of torment" are the suffocating consequences of man's rejection, violation, perversion of God's established Covenants, the Commandments.  

"The smoke of torment" is a symbol of the soulless, tormented state of sinful living peoples, whose lives do not show the true Way of Life to the fulfillment of God's Will, no way of solving the problems that overtake man.  

"Smoke of torment" is an expression, a manifestation of all sinful ideologies, false religions, beliefs and dogmas that poison the spirit and soul of man who follows them.