
God's "gift" to man is the universe created by God, the planet Earth and all the conditions for Man to live happily on it.

The gift of God is also the physical and mental abilities and talents originally incorporated into the nature of man by his Creator.

The "gift" of God is the God-given ability of man to comprehend, exercise, and receive the various benefits of doing God's Will and achieving Eternal Life. 

The "Gift" of God is also the knowledge by the Devotees of God, the Prophets, of God's Laws, the spiritual and moral Commandments for righteous living, and their revelation to all nations.

Man's "gift" to God is man's realization of the Wisdom and Love of his Father, the God of Jehovah, and his full gratitude to Him, expressed in the observance of His Commandments.

 "Man's "gift of Cain" to God is the fruit of his earthly, purely carnal, materialistic activities, which contradict the true spiritual life, contradict the Will of God, and which, therefore, are "not pleasing to God.

    "Cain's" gift is also service to God because of gratitude to Him only for the material goods given to him.