The number "six"

The number "six" is a symbol of the sixth period in the history of all God's creations, in which the unity of the Spirit, soul and body (the union of the two principles: the carnal and spiritual) of His most majestic Creation - Man, His spiritual Son - was realized.

The number "six" is a symbol of six "Days", Periods of the Divine Creation, physical and spiritual formation of Man, during the course of which he acquired similarity with the spiritual "Image" and "Likeness" of God - conformity to the Plan of his spiritual Father.

 "Six" days, the periods of man's life, are the time devoted to the knowledge and fulfillment of God's Commandments to achieve a life of righteousness.

"The number six" is also a symbol of spiritual incompleteness, incompleteness, incompleteness of "creation," of the formation of the Man spiritual in the man of the flesh, who lives according to the laws he has created that do not correspond to the Divine Will. 

      It is a symbol of the inconsistency, the lack of unity of man's will with the Will of God.

      Negative Meaning.

The number six characterizes the spirituality of man-materialist, guided by the creaturely instincts of the flesh, his sinful deeds done by him contrary to the Will of God.