
The "overseer" - the Creator, the Enforcer of His spiritual Laws, which are always, invariably and everywhere enforced, is God Jehovah.

 The "overseer" is God keeping, i.e. preserving, guarding His Word in its intact sense in the Holy Scriptures through its unchangeable exposition by the Announcers of His Will - the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

The "overseer" is God Almighty, Who in the wisdom of His Will keeps, stands "on guard" - preserves, reveals to man His gracious Laws of Commandments, by the fulfillment of which he preserves himself from committing sin and its tragic consequences and attains a life of righteousness.

"Custodian" Jesus Christ is the spiritual Son of God, who, by His holy way of life and teaching, revealing to man the spiritual Path to righteousness, so preserves him from committing evil and its consequences. 

 "The overseer" is also the person who, by the knowledge of the Holy Spirit of God's Will, by true fulfillment of it, has gained righteousness and the ability to be a spiritual "shepherd", a minister of God in the midst of the "Church of God" - the people who fulfill the Commandments of God.