
"Poor" is a person who has realized the spiritual "poverty," the flaw of his sinful worldview, who has felt that without the guidance of God - without understanding the Scriptures of the Prophets, the Teachings of Jesus Christ - it is impossible to acquire the true "richness" of knowing and doing the Will of God, His Commandments, one cannot attain righteousness.    

"Poor" is a person who does not have the true knowledge and fulfillment of God's Will and so deprives himself of the spiritual Riches of God's Wisdom  

"Poor" is a person who does not desire to know the Truth of God's Commandments, who violates them, and so deprives himself of the ability to resist the sinful temptations of his own flesh and the destructive influences of the sinful world.

"Poor" is a man weary of the consequences of his transgressions of God's Covenants, wounded by his own vices, tormented by remorse.