
"The Abyss" is a symbol of inexhaustibility, unexploredness, boundlessness, immensity of the Divine Plans, Predeterminations, unlimited wealth of the Wisdom of His Will, revealed in the graceful Laws of true Life.

 "The Abyss" is a symbol of the depth, greatness, all-encompassing Divine Laws of Life Formation, guiding the development of all Genesis.   

      It is a symbol of the Divine Mystery of Creation of Life, unknowable, beyond human mind.

"The Abyss" also symbolizes an unknown period of time of Man's physical and spiritual formation on earth.

Negative Meaning

"The Abyss" is a symbol of the incalculable totality of wickedness, evil, created by man throughout his history and drawing him in, plunging him into the depths of a spiritless, lifeless "abyss" of lawlessness and moral decay. 

This is man's environment, dominated by the multitude of his sins, the darkness of soullessness, the ignorance of the Truth in his lawless way of life, deprived of the Light of Truth of the spiritual Laws of God.

      These are also the root causes of iniquity committed by nations who will be doomed to eternal condemnation and oblivion.